Freeing up Your Time: A Simple Guide
We are going to show you how freeing up time to take on a new project is not only possible, but essential if we are going to keep things fresh and growing and avoid succumbing to the stagnation of the daily grind.
We’ve compiled 5 strategies and 3 weapons for you to implement to free up your time.
How to Become a Better Listener: 6 Things you Need To Know
There are some pretty straightforward routes to becoming a better listener. We can teach ourselves by practising a few straight-forward principles we’ll share in this blog.
By becoming a better listener to friends, family, colleagues, even strangers, we can create and strengthen relationships, avoid misunderstandings and therefore minimise conflict and social stress. We can even improve our emotional intelligence.
Starting a New Project: The 4 Pillars of Success
We have found that the key to planning and starting a new project begins with getting 4 essential pillars in place before we begin. These pillars are set by asking 4 indispensable questions.
Pillar 1: WHY. Sharpening up our notion on the purpose and value of the project lays the strong foundation that every project needs. You’re tapping into the emotional motivation to get started and to keep pushing on with it when it runs into any challenges.
Depression and the Inflamed Brain
Have you ever experienced depression? Or been close to someone who has been through it? If you’ve answered yes to either question then you don’t need me to describe the magnitude of the suffering it puts people through. Simply put, it’s like being locked into a psychological box of hell.
Why Rats Laugh (and what it shows us about ourselves)
Part of my morning routine during the early weeks of lockdown was spent ploughing through ‘The Archaeology of the Mind’ an absolute door stopper of a book by Jaak Panksepp and Lucy Biven.
An important book but not an easy one, at least not for me.
Learning about The Power of the Outdoors Through Covid-19
One thing that has become clear to a lot of us since lockdown began is what a lifeline time spent in nature is.
Whether it’s pottering around your garden, enjoying Spring in all its vivid charm when out walking in one of Bristol’s park, or traipsing through the woods, for many, it has become a source of sustenance that feels almost as important as eating.
Why team building activities aren't just about having a jolly
Exercises that generate conversations and an exploration of ideas promotes open communication in the team, horizontally, across departments and vertically too.
With good communication, ideas can flow between interns and management as much as they can within teams. Diversity of opinion, different perspectives and richness of feedback, it all drives up quality and deepens work relationships.
Why leaders need to take workplace resilience seriously
One of the reasons why leaders need to take workplace resilience seriously is that it creates an organisational culture that is fit for the future.
Almost every one of us has an awareness that we are living in times of massive change. The old world is passing away and the emergent world is not yet in full view.
What are time management strategies? Here are 4 of the best to share with your team
A team that knows how to manage their time will be less stressed, higher achieving and most importantly of all, they will have more room left over for the things they enjoy and the things that develop them.
3 things bosses can do to build resilience and wellbeing in the workplace
Research suggests that if you let people be self-directed (in the context of clear parametres and support) it will boost commitment to the organisation, not diminish it. Once an organisation embarks on a sincerely felt mission to foster employee wellbeing, all sorts of weird, wonderful and unexpected directions or travel emerge.
So Much To Do – Not Enough Time
It seems there is always stuff flying into the inbox, the in-tray, and no sooner is something scratched off the To Do list, 3 more things get added onto the end of it.
Spending most of our time in ‘just about keeping up’ mode is a serious culprit for why so many of us feel stressed when we’re ‘On’ and too knackered to do anything meaningful or enjoyable when we’re ‘Off’. But there is hope!
What Does a Successful Team Look Like?
A successful team is nothing if not a motivated team. Broadly speaking, empowerment is a short-cut to motivation.
Knowing each other in a social sense, not just a role sense, knowing what makes everyone tick as individuals, and communicating the company vision in a way that strikes a chord with all, that fosters that sense of belonging too.
The importance of time management - how does it boost our productivity?
Not always harried and stressed by looming deadlines and unexpected set-backs, but calm and in control, planning and doing things ahead of time…. This leaves the headspace we need to stay cool and sort it when the inevitable glitch/crisis/hiccup/catastrophe does strike.
A Simple Group activity on Time Management
We have a list of things To-Do we’d like you to work with. It’s a little ridiculous, so prepare yourself for a fun, team-bonding experience! We’ll share the To-Do list with you, then we’ll give instructions on how to run this activity. This list is ready for you to print it out or to copy onto on a large sheet of paper.
3 ideas for team building away days in Bristol
Have you got an away day to organise? Don’t want to take the team paint-balling again? Here are 3 alternatives if you’re in or near Bristol and looking for something a bit different for your dose of team building this time.
How Does Leadership Affect Workplace Culture?
How does a good leader lead? And how does leadership affect the culture in the workplace?
We all know how bad leaders lead – we’ve all heard about, or directly survived the bosses from hell who create organisational cultures that are poisonous. See our list of the symptoms of a toxic work culture.
What is Leadership Resilience?
Resilient leaders see setbacks as something that can be recovered from with haste and minimal drama. crucially, they are setbacks are seen as something that can be learnt from. In that way, the setbacks achieve some positive value. They become fuel for growth rather than something that depletes the mission.
How does forest immersion promote business innovation?
We believe that forest immersion can provide a super-boost to any organisation’s innovative capacity.
Here’s how:
Observing nature’s processes, patterns and practices give rise to elegant solutions to complex problems. This is a practise often referred to as biomimicry.
3 Quick Team Building Activities to bring Resilience into the workplace
Looking for a quick win? We’ve got a few suggestions for quick activities you can roll out in the workplace, immediately. Each of these team building activities is a quick way to foster resilience in your team while at the same time reinforcing relationships between the members of the team.
How will resilience training impact your bottom line?
However much you care about the wellbeing of your team, understanding how resilience training will impact your bottom line is maybe going to be the biggest decider when it comes to bringing resilience into your learning and development programme.