What is eco wellness and how it can strengthen your business?
When the people working in your business have appreciation, respect and awe for nature, some excellent business outcomes follow. There really are some important ways that strengthening the connection between your team with the natural world will strengthen your business.
Why invest in resilience training?
By investing in resilience training, an organisation opens up its teams’ awareness to the vast resource for creativity, problem-solving, individual and group achievement and enjoyment that every member holds.
The research based insights, practical strategies and the motivation to actively experiment with the learning that resilience training provides sets in motion a culture change.
How forest training can benefit your organisation: Containment
A major factor in why forest training benefits organisations is that when teams spend facilitated time in nature, as a group and as individuals, they experience the creation of a strong container and a felt sense of containment.
What difference does resilience training make?
Besides being fun and interesting, and perhaps ticking a few well-being related boxes, what will it actually do for their team and for their organisation?
On a very basic level, the difference that resilience training makes is that it brings awareness to the multiple components that contribute to resilience.
How Forest Leadership Training Improves Team Relationships
Forest Leadership training somehow strengthens our awareness of being a part of a greater whole, not just in terms of how we relate to the ‘more than human world’, i.e. nature, but also in terms of our feeling of belonging and value among our colleagues, and within our wider organisations.
Nature’s Nebuliser – Why spending time in the forest is good for you
One of the many interesting things that we learnt was what ‘phytoncides’ do to humans. These are the plant chemicals that trees release into the air to protect themselves from bacteria, insects and fungi. They also act as signals that communicate with other tress.
What is Wellbeing at Work? And Why Should Employers Care?
Whether you want to promote wellbeing at work out of the goodness of your heart or for the benefit of cold hard business outcomes, why not begin by being vigilant to ways that you could empower your team to become the creative and active agents of the organisation’s success.
How to Grow Personal Resilience and Achieve More at Work
We interrupt ourselves more than even the most annoying interruptor does by checking our inbox in the same way we would scratch an itch.
It’s an addictive compulsion that’s wired into our neural circuitry by a process that goes by the catchy name of random interval reinforcement schedule conditioning.
Why Wellbeing at Work Matters
Stronger employees make for a stronger business, always. Recognising wellbeing at work matters and why it is vital for any organisation that wants to succeed.
Current research strongly indicates that attending to wellbeing at work benefits organisations across the board: performance, productivity, innovation, loyalty, brand reputation, retention and attendance all gain.
What is Resilience Training?
Resilience training makes companies grow. We are excited to be part of this movement which is affecting businesses worldwide. It really is a shift in the right direction.
Research undertaken by Shawn Achor with KMPG has shown that by fostering social connections, optimism and an enhanced understanding of stress, every measure of organisational success (productivity,
What Every Good Stress Management Course Should Teach You, Part 2
Research gives us a wealth of examples of how we can make stressful situations better and not worse and we need to know what they are.
Knowledge is power, and a stress management course should leave a person feeling like next time they find stress levels ratcheting up at work and in life, that they know exactly what is happening, what to do, and which path to head down.
What Every Good Stress Management Course Should Teach You, Part 1
Stress Management courses can be a mixed bag. I’ve heard horror stories of trainers handing out fidget spinners, telling delegates that when they are feeling overwhelmed they should just to think ‘Swan Legs’ (from what I can gather that means pretend outwardly that things are going smoothly and are under control, while under the surface you must paddle away like mad to try to meet all the demands placed on you)