Learning about The Power of the Outdoors Through Covid-19
One thing that has become clear to a lot of us since lockdown began is what a lifeline time spent in nature is.
Whether it’s pottering around your garden, enjoying Spring in all its vivid charm when out walking in one of Bristol’s park, or traipsing through the woods, for many, it has become a source of sustenance that feels almost as important as eating.
What are time management strategies? Here are 4 of the best to share with your team
A team that knows how to manage their time will be less stressed, higher achieving and most importantly of all, they will have more room left over for the things they enjoy and the things that develop them.
A Simple Group activity on Time Management
We have a list of things To-Do we’d like you to work with. It’s a little ridiculous, so prepare yourself for a fun, team-bonding experience! We’ll share the To-Do list with you, then we’ll give instructions on how to run this activity. This list is ready for you to print it out or to copy onto on a large sheet of paper.
3 ideas for team building away days in Bristol
Have you got an away day to organise? Don’t want to take the team paint-balling again? Here are 3 alternatives if you’re in or near Bristol and looking for something a bit different for your dose of team building this time.
3 Quick Team Building Activities to bring Resilience into the workplace
Looking for a quick win? We’ve got a few suggestions for quick activities you can roll out in the workplace, immediately. Each of these team building activities is a quick way to foster resilience in your team while at the same time reinforcing relationships between the members of the team.
Why invest in resilience training?
By investing in resilience training, an organisation opens up its teams’ awareness to the vast resource for creativity, problem-solving, individual and group achievement and enjoyment that every member holds.
The research based insights, practical strategies and the motivation to actively experiment with the learning that resilience training provides sets in motion a culture change.
How forest training can benefit your organisation: Containment
A major factor in why forest training benefits organisations is that when teams spend facilitated time in nature, as a group and as individuals, they experience the creation of a strong container and a felt sense of containment.