Resilience training
The success of your organisation depends upon the resilience of your team.
When you optimise mental health, you optimise performance.
It’s as simple as that.
The resilience of the team is a factor that organisations can no longer afford to ignore.
Due to lowered resilience and poor mental health in the team each year UK companies lose:
£26 billion in productivity
9.9 million working days
£15.1 billion from the drain of ‘presenteeism’*
Effective resilience training invests in the mental health of your team, enabling them to:
* Centre for Mental Health and the Health and Safety Executive.
In a survey of 481 delegates, carried out in partnership with University of West England, 97% reported that Light Box resilience training made a lasting and positive impact on how they invest in their mental health.
All growth is incremental and starts at the level of individual awareness, responsiveness and responsibility.
Lasting Impact
We offer both ‘set menu’ resilience training options and bespoke approaches that combine explorations to suit the identified learning needs of your team.
Online and onsite training delivery options both include lunch and learn series, 1-to-1 work, coaching, consultancy, half and whole day group training.
Offsite and residential training is also available.
How will I know if this is value for money?
We know how important it is that you see a return on investment and can demonstrate the value of the training you’ve booked. Many leaders and finance teams need to see if the cost of the training and staff time it takes has been a wise resource allocation.
We offer pre and post-training impact evaluation, in terms of both numerical data and stories of change to demonstrate the difference our training makes to the business.
You’re a new provider to us. How can we be sure of the quality?
You don’t have to take our word for it, we provide you with the contact details of existing clients so you can hear about our impact from the people who experience it directly, our many happy clients.
I’ve got multiple training needs that I need to meet on a limited budget and I need to make sure the content is the exact right fit – can you help with this?
Our bespoke approach means before we plan your training we listen carefully to you in order to identify all the specific and varied outcomes you are after. We can then amalgamate and blend training across diverse subject areas to keep the content 100% relevant to identified needs. Training from us is never off the peg, we always curate our content to respond to your specific stated business objectives.
It’s challenging to get our employees to clearly state the kind of training they want or need. Can you help with this?
Yes. We can provide no cost, no obligation pre-training surveys sent out to team members and leads to clarify need, then present summarised findings which you can then compare to the tailored training solution we suggest. Only then will you take the decision whether to go ahead.
Getting the right people to the training and non-attendance have been issues with training we have booked in the past, how do we know this will be any different?
We appreciate the challenge of getting the message out to the right people and generating buy-in from the team for the training you’ve scheduled. No one likes to look at a training room of mainly empty chairs. On request and at no extra cost we can provide you with impactful, promotional resources to help you engage staff and grab their attention in a sea of competing demands.