Managing Anxiety & Depression: A Guide to reducing the symptoms and impact on your life

Course Outcomes:

  • An understanding of how to apply an array of ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ approaches to managing common mental health conditions.

  • Knowing how to reduce brain inflammation to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms.

  • Understand the role of neurotransmitters in mental health.

  • Learn the function and benefits of nutrients in managing anxiety and depression.

  • Apply research-based habit formation techniques for lasting behavioural change.

  • Implement cognitive approaches for anxiety and depression relief.

  • Develop an effective, personalised combination of strategies to support mental health.

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

Discover strategies that work

10 week-by-week learning modules with a total of 32 chapters delivered within those modules.

Each module concludes with some simple, actionable Next Steps and supporting resources that will transform your learning into action.

  • 🟡 Harnessing the Power of Habit

    🟡 Empowering Positive Change Through If-Then Planning

    🟡 Beating Procrastination with the 54321 rule

  • 🟡 The Connection between Diet, Inflammation and Anxiety/Depression

    🟡 Understanding the Diet-Inflammation Link

    🟡 Vital Nutrients for Mental Health and What to Avoid

    🟡 Your Gut-Brain Connection

    🟡 Hydration and Mental Wellness

  • 🟡 Easing Anxiety through Exercise

    🟡 Elevating Mood through Exercise

    🟡 Wellness Benefits of Gentle Movement

  • 🟡 Embracing the Art of Savouring

    🟡 Understanding Phenomenology and The Power of Now

    🟡 Connecting to Nature: A Holistic Approach to Easing Anxiety and Depression

  • 🟡 Cold Water Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

    🟡 Activated Breathing for Anxiety and Depression

    🟡 The Regulating effects of Nasal Breathing

  • 🟡 Goal Setting for Anxiety and Depression Relief

  • 🟡 Gratitude: Rewiring the Negativity Bias

    🟡 Broaden and Build

    🟡 The Thought-Action Repertoire

    🟡 Getting the right D.O.S.E of Positive Emotion

  • 🟡 The science of sleep

    🟡 How to get quality sleep

  • 🟡 CBT and ACT techniques for reducing social anxiety

    🟡 Setting Healthy Boudaries

    🟡 Active Listening for Improved Connection

    🟡 Kind Acts

  • 🟡 Explanatory Styles the inner CCTV

    🟡 Growth Mindset

    🟡 Limiting Self Beliefs

    🟡 Rewiring Limiting Self Beliefs with Language

Common Questions

  • We recommend that you move through this past no faster than one module per week, and take as much time as you need to complete each module and it’s recommended Next Steps before moving on to a new one.

    The exact pace of learning that works best will vary from learner to learner.

    Many comfortably complete the course in 10 weeks, other learners prefer to take their time with it, and spread the learning out over a six month period.

  • No. We break each module up into easy to digest chapters and provide support resources to assist you with completing all of the recommended Next Steps at the end of each module.

    The Next Steps are adjusted to a level of challenge that all 24 learners who completed the training pilot were comfortable with and able to achieve.

  • The training was written by a qualified mental health clinician Lucy Duggan, who is a BACP Accredited Psychotherapist.

    The training’s support resources were conceived and designed by Creative Director Lucy Barfoot, with ease of use and engagement in mind.

    Lucy Barfoot and Lucy Duggan have been delivering pioneering public mental health promotion initiatives since 2010 and gained recognition and awards for the impacts of their work.

  • The course creator’s have chosen to employ the use of AI to support course delivery to ensure a smooth, seamless learning experience with minimal distraction. We paid particular attention to selecting a voice for the AI tutor that is gentle, clear and supportive.

    Will this training really help me to manage my symptoms?

    If you complete all of the modules’ Next Steps and follow the course guidance on habit formation, yes.

  • The final page of the guide has links to our sign-up form and instructions on paying your £150 deposit (which is deductible from the course fee)

  • 24 learners who experience symptoms of mild to moderate anxiety and / or depression participated in a pilot of this training and pre and post mental wellbeing scores and survey data demonstrated a reduction in symptoms concurrent with undertaking the training.

  • Each module is viewable as a Downloadable Mp3. All the support resources are digitally downloadable and available in print-friendly versions.

  • All modules are fully captioned.

  • All resources are high resolution and suitable for enlargement.

  • No. We recommend that you undertake with course in conjunction with support from a qualified medical or mental health professional

  • No. It can be used as a preventative intervention as well as a therapeutic one. It is suitable for anyone with an interest in investing in their mental wellbeing, increasing their resilience levels.

  • Yes. Just enter their email address and it will be delivered straight to their inbox.

  • Adolescents and adults.