Why invest in resilience training?.png

Investing in resilience training is has a double whammy effect

You invest in the wellbeing of your team, and in the success of your organisation at the same time.

But how does building resilience in the team lead to a more prosperous business? 

To answer this, we have to first understand what resilience actually means.

Resilience is: (Luthar et al, 2000)

“a dynamic process encompassing positive adaptation within the context of significant adversity”

Resilience is about three things in essence: flexibility, change and learning in conditions that are not entirely of our choosing nor completely within our control. 

Organisations operate against a backdrop of adversity. That adverse context is life itself, with all its competition, unpredictability, gains and losses.

When an organisation invests in resilience training, it is investing in the teams’ capacity to:

  • Manage stress, i.e. avoid avoidable stress and mitigate against the rest.

  • Self reflect and adapt behaviours in response to the insights that reflection offers.

  • Invest in relationships by building awareness of the strengths and needs of ourselves and others.

  • Gain leverage of strengths and attend to needs, with skill and minimal conflict.

  • Understand and be flexible with the narratives we create (or ‘stories’ we tell) about the situations we experience.

  • Take intentional action that is exploratory in nature.

By investing in resilience training, an organisation opens up its teams’ awareness to the vast resource for creativity, problem-solving, individual and group achievement and enjoyment that every member holds. 

The research based insights, practical strategies and the motivation to actively experiment with the learning that resilience training provides sets in motion a culture change. Change that will strengthen and grow your organisation from the core, outwards.

So perhaps the question, ‘Why invest in resilience training?’ is best answered with another question: Do you think you can afford not to?

Get in touch with our team today. We would love to help you strengthen and grow. Click here to sign up to receive a short .PDF guide to our resilience training.


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